Forging a New Normalcy

I’m still teaching yoga online as I have been doing since last March. This past week, on Tuesday, at lunchtime, I checked my class roster and to my delight, I saw one of my pre-pandemic regulars!  We didn’t have a chance to connect immediately after class so I reached out by email to let her know how happy I was to have her in class again.  Her response really hit home:  it felt like a little bit of normalcy for her.  It was also a little bit of my old normalcy for me, too.

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It’s that time of year when I love to make plans.  Part of my process is laying out my teaching plans for the year.  This is one of the exercises that helps me to see my deepening understanding as a yogi and growth as a teacher.  I’ve wrapped up my planning for my classes and I’m very excited at the curriculum I’ve constructed. 

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Strong Back, Soft Front, Wild Heart – Inspired by “Unlocking Us”

I’m blessed to be part of a “power trio” discussion group that meets by phone each week.  For the past four or five months, we have used Brene Brown’s “Unlocking Us” as the jump off point for our conversation.  We take turns leading and the leader picks which episode we are going to discuss.  The discussions are lively, loving, and much looked forward to each week.

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Slowly Flowing with Intention

I’ve been meaning to write a blog post for over a month.  Truth be told, I’ve put “pen to paper” a few times, wrote out a few lines and didn’t feel the grab that usually takes hold of me to keep writing until completion.  More truth be told, because of the state of the world, I’m moving in a different way then I normally do when it comes to going about the business of life. 

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Online versus Studio Yoga — which is better?

Up until six weeks ago, I never contemplated teaching yoga online.  Every Tuesday night, I happily drove to my home studio and enjoyed the best part of my day with the lovely folks who came to my Gentle for Everybody class.  But, since the shelter in place order went into effect, my home studio converted over to a virtual environment and we are teaching and practicing online.  We are all grateful to have this option.  But, I wonder, what is on the other side for us when we go back to having the choice of going back to practicing in the studio — will many of us decide that we actually prefer the online offering?  In this post, I’m going to explore which, in my opinion, is better?

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