Spring is When You Feel Like Whistling

…even with a shoe full of slush — Don Larson

Isn’t that the truth?  And, we sure have had a shoe full of slush, haven’t we?  

Given the pandemic, this winter was a real hibernation for yours truly.  But, ah, spring is coming! Spring is a time for delicious, upward energy and never more so this this year.  Traditionally, I do plan a special yoga class aimed centered around a gentle detox for this time of transition, but this year calls for more than that.  

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Forging a New Normalcy

I’m still teaching yoga online as I have been doing since last March. This past week, on Tuesday, at lunchtime, I checked my class roster and to my delight, I saw one of my pre-pandemic regulars!  We didn’t have a chance to connect immediately after class so I reached out by email to let her know how happy I was to have her in class again.  Her response really hit home:  it felt like a little bit of normalcy for her.  It was also a little bit of my old normalcy for me, too.

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