Spring is When You Feel Like Whistling

…even with a shoe full of slush — Don Larson

Isn’t that the truth?  And, we sure have had a shoe full of slush, haven’t we?  

Given the pandemic, this winter was a real hibernation for yours truly.  But, ah, spring is coming! Spring is a time for delicious, upward energy and never more so this this year.  Traditionally, I do plan a special yoga class aimed centered around a gentle detox for this time of transition, but this year calls for more than that.  

It’s popular to call this type of thing a cleanse, but that sounds harsh to me.  In keeping with my gentle approach, I’m calling it a “tune up” instead — a tune up that helps us to feel lighter and ready to experience the wonderful energy of spring.

In constructing my own tune up, I noticed that while I eat a pretty clean diet, have a lot of great habits and very few bad ones, over the past four or five months, things have gotten “sloppy”.  Of course, it is tempting to take on some type of program that calls for Big Action.  But, as I thought about it, I figured if I just cleaned up the sloppy areas, that would give great results in a sustainable fashion.  

So, what I’m proposing to myself and to you, is to find some low hanging fruit and then commit to tightening up in those areas for the next three weeks.  Here are some areas to take a look at:

Are you drinking enough water? (subtract out any caffeinated beverages from your average daily count)

Are you going to bed early enough?

Are you eating a lot of packaged/processed foods (don’t forget about foods such as bacon, lunch meats)?

Are you getting exercise (of any type) nearly every day?

Are you spending any time outside, in nature, getting some fresh air?

Are you eating when you’re hungry and then stopping when you have had enough?

And, if you are doing any and or all of these, is there room for improvement?

My own handful of items that I will be working on will include an earlier bedtime, pushing up my water intake, walking outside on any day I can, and letting go of random snacking on nuts.  These are simple things, not drastic but will take some honest effort on my part.  But, I know this little “tune up” will have the lightening effect I’m seeking and help me lose those shoes full of slush.  Won’t you join me?



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